Home » Beauty review : la potion infinie by ARgENTUM

Beauty review : la potion infinie by ARgENTUM

There is a long list of beauty products I have reviewed and introduced ever since I started The
Parisian Eye, but barely any of them has been such a pleasure to discover as la potion infinie by ARgENTUM. And there are several reasons for that.
Of course, I judge a beauty cream by its effects, and la potion infinie has definitely been satisfying me since I started using it over a month ago. As a 30 year old urban person, I look for a cream that « does it all » : it needs to be ultra moisturizing without being too invasive and add shine, but also have those anti-ageing properties I am more and more looking for. An equation that looks simple, but that few products have the ability to solve like la potion infinie does.
The reason for that is simple : the ingredients ! Although the very specific universe of la potion infinie gives of feeling of mystery mixed with a bit of magic, its two main components, comprising of Silver Hydrosol and DNA HP, give a definitely scientific explanation as to why it is so efficient.
DNA HP promotes cell regeneration, the production of collagen and elastin and reduces lipid peroxidation. Its high molecular weight results in excellent absorption, enabling optimum hydration. Silver Hydrosol regulates skin flora with its natural anti-bacterial properties. This synergetic action results in tissue regeneration and acts as a powerful antioxidant – a bioactive formula, delivering a new experience for a visibly healthier complexion.
Besides its noticeable effects of deep hydration and softness on my skin every morning, what also
makes me like la potion infinie is the experience that comes with it : each jar is delivered with messages of
love and inspiration through twelve archetypes, depicted as illustrated cards.
An archetype embodies characteristics found within all of us – the key is to find a balance between all 12: Creator,
Sage, Caregiver, Magician, Everyman, Ruler, Jester, Innocent, Rebel, Explorer, Hero & Lover.
Interestingly, I got the Explorer card… A nice coincidence, knowing my passion for travel…Or maybe a bit of magic ? 😉
One thing is for sure, the description of the Explorer on ARgENTUM’s
website totally suits me :